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Frequently asked questions
Something is not clear? You need help? Check our FAQ section.Our estimates are quick, and usually take around 20 minutes to complete, depending upon the extent of the damage. To ensure quick response times and the best possible service, our estimates are done by appointment only. Use our quick contact form for scheduling availability.
We may also be able to do your estimate via email.
There will be Estimation charges if not covered by Insurance The insurance company is responsible for all repair expenses above your deductible. It costs you no more to choose the repair facility that provides the highest quality repairs.
Contact your insurance company and report the accident to begin the claims process. Tell them you choose to have your collision repairs done at Bodyworks. Contact us directly and our customer service representatives will guide you through the process. We are direct repair facility with most insurance companies. This means we can make the process simple and quick for you.
Contact your insurance company and report the accident to begin the claims process. Tell them you choose to have your collision repairs done at Bodyworks. Contact us directly and our customer service representatives will guide you through the process. We are direct repair facility with most insurance companies. This means we can make the process simple and quick for you.
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